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Fuego supports templating with Templ.

Simply return a Templ component from your handler, with the fuego.Templ return type.

Example from a recipe app:

import (

func (rs Resource) adminIngredients(c fuego.ContextNoBody) (fuego.Templ, error) {
searchParams := components.SearchParams{
Name: c.QueryParam("name"),
PerPage: c.QueryParamInt("perPage", 20),
Page: c.QueryParamInt("page", 1),
URL: "/admin/ingredients",
Lang: c.MainLang(),

ingredients, err := rs.IngredientsQueries.SearchIngredients(c.Context(), store.SearchIngredientsParams{
Name: "%" + searchParams.Name + "%",
Limit: int64(searchParams.PerPage),
Offset: int64(searchParams.Page-1) * int64(searchParams.PerPage),
if err != nil {
return nil, err

return admin.IngredientList(ingredients, searchParams), nil

Note that the fuego.Templ type is a simple alias for fuego.CtxRenderer: any type that implements the Render(context.Context, io.Writer) error method can be used as a return type for a handler.