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How to write simple CRUD operations.

This tutorial relies on the previous Hello world tutorial Start from scratch.


go install
fuego controller books

# or in one line:
go run controller books

This generates a controller for the books resource.


Use fuego controller --with-service books to generate a simple map based in memory service so you can pass it to the controller resources to quickly interact with your new book entity!

You then have to implement the service interface in the controller to be able to play with data. It's a form of dependency injection that we chose to use for the code generator of Fuego, but you can implement it in any way you want.

To implement the service, you need to slightly modify the generated controller/books.go and main.go files.

package controller

import (

type BooksResources struct {
// Use a concrete struct that implements the service (BooksService -> RealBooksService)
BooksService RealBooksService

type Books struct {
ID string `json:"id"`

// ....
// ....

type BooksService interface {
GetBooks(id string) (Books, error)
CreateBooks(BooksCreate) (Books, error)
GetAllBooks() ([]Books, error)
UpdateBooks(id string, input BooksUpdate) (Books, error)
DeleteBooks(id string) (any, error)

// Implement the BooksService interface
type RealBooksService struct {
// Embed the interface to satisfy it.
// This pattern is just there to make the code compile but you should implement all methods.

func (s RealBooksService) GetBooks(id string) (Books, error) {
return Books{
ID: id,
Name: "Test book data",
}, nil

// TODO: Other BooksService interface implementations


Then we'll inject this controller into the server.

package main

import (


func main() {
s := fuego.NewServer()
// ....

// Declare the resource
booksResources := controller.BooksResources{
BooksService: controller.RealBooksService{},
// Other services & dependencies, like a DB etc.

// Plug the controllers into the server


If you've followed this far, /books/:id (GetBooks) has been implemented. 🥳

The generator will create the following routes:

  • GET /books: list all books
  • POST /books: create a new book
  • GET /books/:id: get a book by id
  • PUT /books/:id: update a book by id
  • PATCH /books/:id: update a book by id
  • DELETE /books/:id: delete a book by id



Fuego comes with a generator that can generates CRUD routes and controllers for you!

package main

import (


func main() {
s := fuego.NewServer()

// List all books
fuego.Get(s, "/books", controller.GetBooks)

// Create a new book
fuego.Post(s, "/books", controller.CreateBook)

// Get a book by id
fuego.Get(s, "/books/:id", controller.GetBook)

// Update a book by id
fuego.Put(s, "/books/:id", controller.UpdateBook)

// Update a book by id
fuego.Patch(s, "/books/:id", controller.UpdateBook)

// Delete a book by id
fuego.Delete(s, "/books/:id", controller.DeleteBook)

package controller

import (

type Book struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Title string `json:"title"`

type BookToCreate struct {
Title string `json:"title"`

func GetBooks(c fuego.ContextNoBody) ([]Book, error) {
// Your code here
return nil, nil

func CreateBook(c fuego.ContextWithBody[BookToCreate]) (Book, error) {
// Your code here
return Book{}, nil

func GetBook(c fuego.ContextNoBody) (Book, error) {
// Your code here
return Book{}, nil

func UpdateBook(c fuego.ContextWithBody[Book]) (Book, error) {
// Your code here
return Book{}, nil

func DeleteBook(c fuego.ContextNoBody) (any, error) {
// Your code here
return nil, nil